Thursday, October 29, 2009


I was going to dive right into my mental "adventure" file for this blog, but sat down to writing it, and so far it's 3 pages of a word document and growing. I found that once I sat down and tried to recount the events, I actually remembered so much that I would feel bad leaving out any details. So I've made up my mind, for the sake of keeping up a presence on this thing, that I will pepper my page with non-stories between the real stories.

For instance, this Halloween I was really stoked about the costume I was going to make, where I would dress as the book "The Raven" and, having memorized the poem, do dramatic readings at random points. I still really like this idea, but last night while I did Crane Pose in my bed because I wasn't sleepy, I had a new idea! Very easy, and I won't have to spend much. I'll be "The Nothingness" from the Neverending Story.

For another instance, my new short head of hair (new as of a month and a half ago when I shaved it) apparently gives me hella gay appeal ("hella"=california slang for many things, mainly used to embellish both quantity and quality of something). While in San Fran and Oakland, I was asked out numerous times by women, and one who was aware of my heterosexuality, told me I should seriously consider going queer.

For a third instance, Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky is interesting among his other novels because, a chunk of the way in, the narrator actually inserts himself into the story (by novels I'm excluding Notes From the Underground, as that was more of a fictitious journal or letter). He begins by sort of hinting at his presence, but it seems more like he's making an excuse for how he knows some details. It's very subtle when he finally joins the cast as a character, and he never gives his name. UUUuhhhhhh, so great. I once read two of his books back to back (The Idiot and Crime and Punishment) and it almost destroyed me.

1 comment:

  1. oh man. i wish i had a. that novel (only the one translated by richard pevear and larissa volokhonsky, of course), and b. the time to read it. it's all about politics, isn't it?
